New Here


Thanks for spending time learning about RHC. Redemption Hill is located a block out of downtown Portsmouth, NH. We have recently changed our name from State Street Church to better communicate what Jesus does in our lives when we trust in him. We really do believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ does change everything and our complete hope is placed in him.

Below you will find information or links to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Service Time & Details

We gather each week on Sunday’s at 10am to celebrate all that Jesus has done and is doing in our lives. Kid’s are welcome and we would love the chance to meet you.

What to Expect

We are men, women, children, young and old, contractors, businessmen and women, students, teachers, athletes, artists, stay at home parents, but most of all we are family. Come as you are!

What About My Kids?

At Redemption Hill we love family! We believe that in Christ we are adopted as sons and daughters. Like all families we love to have kids present in all that we do. Kids of all ages are part of our worship gatherings and are in no way a distraction. Except for the 2nd Sunday of the month, we have a kid’s ministry during a portion of our gathering for kids age 3 - grade 3. We also have a self-observed nursery for those that may need to use it during our time together.

What We Believe

God exists eternally in three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created man in His own image and likeness, but man, through his own disobedience, severed communion with God. God has made the way for restored communion through the sacrifice of his only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. CLICK HERE to read more.

We look forward to meeting you soon!